Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Songwriter Richard Bassett to have Island Retreat

Multi-award winning songwriter Richard Bassett (president of the Bermuda Songwriters Association) is throwing an Island 'retreat' for budding artists.

It will be held on October at the Beaches Resort.



Mr. Bassett said they were bringing in threeindustry workshop hosts and also pulling on the talents of a localsongwriter and musician for the event.

“Jason Blume is a professional songwriter. His songs have been featured on more than 50 million albums/units,” said Mr. Bassett

“He writes for artists such as Brittany Spears, Jessie McCartney and Back Street Boys.

StevenMemel is a performance coach from LA. He has worked with artists fromAtlantic, BMG, Jazz J Records, Dreamworks and more.
“Gilli Moon is asinger/songwriter/recording artist and she is going to focus more onartist development and looking at being an independent artist and whatthat means.”

Although the event is set to take place at the 9 Beaches Resort, there will be other events taking place outside of the resort.

Click here to finish reading the article.

/ by Rene Hill]

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Hayes Carll Releases New Album

Texas based singer-songwriter Hayes Carll releases his second album, and showcases a sense of humor in his follow up entitled 'Little Rock'

His songs invites comparison to other Texas based artists such as Steve Earle and Guy Clark.

Here, he talks about songwriting for his new CD.


-- Releasing a second album is a terrifying prospect for many singer-songwriters. Why? Debut albums are filled with a lifetime of material, songs they've spent their entire life writing. But the follow-up is made up of new songs. Add to that the burden of meeting the expectations of fans and critics who adored your first CD, and you're in a pressure-filled situation. Did Texan Hayes Carll succumb to the dreaded "sophomore slump" with the release of his second album? VOA's Katherine Cole reports the answer is "No!" --

Click here to finish reading the article.

[source / by Katherine Cole]

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