Those are the words of songwriter Hal Kethcum who's success came at age 38.
He says "the never-ending thirst to learn more keeps my creativity going".
Check out the article.
Write a song sometime. Go ahead, come up with an idea perhaps about love -- and give it a go.
Not real easy.
But for Hal Ketchum, songwriting seemingly comes as naturally as his next breath. Scheduled to appear tonight at the Cary Street Café, the singer-songwriter long ago set his life's course into action.
"I wrote a poem for my mother, and it got her attention. I thought, 'Cool, this is a great way to get attention,'" Ketchum said by phone last Friday afternoon from his home in Nashville. "I started to put words down. It's still my favorite thing to do. Sometimes it's like having your own radio station in your head."
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RTD_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1149189615992 / BY TOM NETHERLAND
technorati tags:learn, songwriting, online, tips, news, record, demo, publishing
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