Saturday, July 08, 2006

Writing Songs on the Piano

Many of us start writing song on a harmonic instrument (ie. the piano or guitar) and often face several stumbling blocks on the way...I know I have done.

Everything from the topic of your song, to the chord changes -- the length of your intro, to the structure of your song -- you're melody... all these things come rushing in the mind at one. Many times the 'mood' of the song musically will often dictate the lyrical outcome too.

This article I found serves to be a handy quick guide on what to keep in mind when writing songs on the piano.

Written by David Nevue.

"In my 20 years of writing piano music, I've arranged over 120 compositions, about 85 of which I've released to the public on CD. A fan who read my advice for pianists article asked if I'd write a similar article for beginning composers. So, I've put together these 12 composition tips for anyone who would like to compose music for the piano..."

Click here to read the rest...

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