Friday, March 16, 2007

Child Prodigy 'Wows' Musicians All Over The World...

It's not often you see a 12 year old kid playing drums like a 35 year old man. This video that I recently stumbled upon really freaked me out.... in a GOOD way.

Check out the video. It'll blow you're mind. I have a couple of friends who I consider as world class drummers, and they were in complete shock and disbelief when they saw this 12 years old boy perform his drum solo.

Talk about child prodigy...

What do you think? :-) Post a comment here in the blog....

Shamir Rele

(formally Calvin Rele)


Anonymous said...

Wow I'm speechless - Wow that was beyond incredible - Wow, I would like to see him play some rush songs, he would do Neil Pert proudly.

Greg said...

That was brilliant. I expect to see more of this guy in the future.

Tony Royster Jr. is his name, and don't be surprised when you hear it elsewhere.

Thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

wow - amazing. who new what some people can do...

Anonymous said...

Oh My God! He reminds me of my best friend when he was young but he did not have that much talent!

He can play drums as long as he wants with anybody he wants!

I enjoyed that!!!

Thanks Calvin

Anonymous said...

Very cool to see a kid of 12 show that much natural talent. It reminds me of a time when I saw the son of a famous singer/musican/producer do something similar. However there were a couple of differences: First their kid was 13 (getting close to 14) and they had taught him how to build a piece instead of blowing his wad all the way through. I'll explain:

They introduced their son and said "John (not his real name) has been taking some drum lessons and would like to play a piece." So the kid sat at the kit and began. Boom smack, boom smack, just the kick, snare, and hihat -- steady rhythm.

At first we figured we were doing the kid a favor by sitting there listening to him play something so simple. The only that stood out at that point was that his time was rock solid. Other than that it was just like waiting for him to do something -- anything.

After waiting for a while and anticipating for him to do something -- he hits the crash and you could feel everyone respond -- it was like coming out of a fog. "Wow the kid hit the crash cymbal", a bit more waiting and then a fill -- finally he did something, as he began to build -- more tricks -- each adding to the whole -- and by the time he began to show his stuff and it was frigging awesome -- he brought his performance to a climax that had us all on our feet -- the crowd was going absolutely nuts. Someone had taught this kid -- not just how to play drums and be flashy -- but the secret of performing -- of building a piece. Whether he learned it from his teacher or his parents (both genius musicans) and whether it was taught or just picked up by osmosis I never did ask. But their kid brought the house down that day and nobody I've spoken to remembers anything else that happend that day although a number of musical icons had played at that concert that day.

What he showed everyone that day without saying a word was "I can lay down, (I can play with other musicians without hogging front and center) I have my fundamentals (timing) down solid, I can do my job, and I can wait for the spotlight and when the time is just right -- I can maximize the moment and just blow you away. Few musicians no matter how talented can combine humility, patience, and awesome ability, in their performance.

Sorry for the long winded post but I couldn't help remembering the one performance I've seen that eclipsed this impressive one by Tony.

Unknown said...

Yes, this 12 year old boy is fantastic, He can really play the drums. He will have a long musical career without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

This boy is absolutely fabulous ... He has a musical way of playing drum that reminds me of Manu Katche or Stewart Copeland ...

Anais said...

wow, this kid must have been playing from inside the womb, excellent

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it. This kid can play with ANYONE he wants. Just imagine, any artist/band would be willing to work with him and PAY him what he's worth too.

I can't even envision what he'll be like in the future if he carries on the way he does. I'm sure that he'll expand he's creativity and jump on other instruments (if he hadn't done so already...)


Anonymous said...

unbelievable.12 year old like me. I have something to share with you too its a song i wrote called....
(Verse 1)
Ya ride on down,
In yo motorbike
Screamin, Shoutin
Ready ta strike

You feelin good
Move in for the kill
Destroyin innocent life,
Yeah at your will

Your a Phsyco
N, everyone knows it
Ya try to hid it with your innocent pose,
but if anyone sees you they run like hell
Trin ta rid themselves of your smell....


Thans for ur time

Anonymous said...

D'accord, ce batteur est un redoutable technicien. Cependant, la technique ne fait pas tout. Or, c'est tout ce qu'il a. On sait en france que les E.U peuvent produire des têtes vides de sens artistique mais qui en mettent plein la vue avec un dégueuli de technique, et qu'en plus les américians raffolent de ce genre de personnes. Il faut se méfier et encourager le petit à se recentrer sur le discours musical plutôt que sur l'épate !

Anonymous said...

Damn, this kid is on fire! now that he's grown up he's even better. his band is also kick-ass
ps. but i wouldn't want to carry or set up his kit after a gig. :D


Anonymous said...

All I can say is look at God use this use this child to display awesome gift! Wow! The kid is gonna rise man!!!


Anonymous said...

kinda makes me wonder if reincarnation is real. :)
it's like he's been doing it for 30 years already. very cool post.

Anonymous said...

Hey, That was amazing! I honestly only got to see a part of it, but the part I was really good! Thanks for the URL, by the way! Oh, and incase you didn't know, I'm a singer/songwriter & and a hint of a pianist, as far as for the songs I wrote! Any way loved ttyl,

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was fanomanal! I really liked it! even though I only got to see a part of it! Tanks for the URL! By the way, I'm a singer/songwriter/sort of pianist! Thanks again,