Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Christmas Season: A new definition

I had to take a moment to compose myself when I found out that tomorrow is Christmas eve. I mean, how fast has this year gone? I don't know about you, but this year ...especially the second half - has gone incredibly fast for me.

So what does this holiday season mean to you? Well, technically, Christmas is a religious festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. But let's look at things practically and logically. Christmas is now celebrated by millions people across the board has become recognized as an international celebration of 'connection' and 'love'. This (in my opinion) is a beautiful thing. Christmas is an excuse for doing what we should all be doing all year around - and that is making that connection, loving your friends, you family ... and caring for strangers. Why not?

I want all of us to think about the things that really matter in out lives. The things that we are eternally grateful for... our families, our friends, the roofs over our heads, the heart to love and care, etc. Just thinking about it for a minute. Take a moment to really reflect on the good things that life has brought you this year. And then look forward to the good times that lay ahead of you.

Now let's talk about the new year. Do you have anything you want to achieve? Are you looking to study hard for passing those exams? Are you looking to excel at work and get that position you're after? Are you looking to improve your health/fitness and finally go to the gym and not eat crap all day? Tell me... are you looking kick-start your songwriting career? Do you need to 'get out there' and stat performing on stage to show the world what you really have? Is it time you took some kind of action for your passion?

What about relationships... are you looking to restore that magic you had with you wife, your family or your children? Or even your girlfriend or maybe your general friends?

Have you been putting something off?

What do YOU want to work on in the new year?

Do yourself a favour. In fact, let's all do ourselves a favor and make this happen. The time is now. Whatever you want in life, you can have it. Make those decisions today and make it possible.

I wish you all a brilliant Christmas and a very prosperous new year.

Much love,



Anonymous said...

Hello! Just wanted to say that I thought this post was very inspirational. After reading it made me want to work harder for my goals and get them. Thanks You!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog. It ws very inspirational to me. I do (now that I think about it) so many things I want to accomplish next year. Any way thanks again,

Anonymous said...

I was feel really upset today and this really helped my mood. I am thankful that you posted this. And I am sure this will help others too.

I don't celebrate Christmas but, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas to you too Shamir :)

Anonymous said...

Wow that is really inspiring! I was feeling really bad about next year cause im not in the same class with my friends but it doesnt matter....cause i'll make new friends and this new years I want to get more fit and work on more songs using your fantastic tips!! from jamie

Anonymous said...

Truer words may never have been spoken, If we all were to resolve to acomplish just 3 new things (OK 4 ya need to buy the course) we could make a huge impact on the world. Make 3 new friends , take the time to volunteer 3 hours a month , help 3 strangers with a problem no matter how simple, Do 3 new things with your family or friends and take 3 minutes a day just for yourself, you get the idea, do just a little and the results will be very fulfilling,
Weather you are celebarting Hunnukah,Christmas,Kwanza or something else may good fortune befall you in the New Year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shamir, I hope you have a very happy christmas!! thanks for the songwriting tips.. i love it.

ManSexBitch said...

hey just wanna say somethin totally unrelated to ur blog.. thanks for the tip about metaphors. now i have the confidence to muck around and use my song writing brain power. YEA BOI x x x

Anonymous said...

Shamir, thank you for being consistent in sending me emails re to what I should be doing.(smile)

Thanks for your holiday encouragement. It was right on!

I must admit that I got a lot of things done this year, but, none of it had to do with my first love: "Songwriting" When I was very young I wrote everyday. Now that I'm older, I tried to cut off my creativity, because, ideas always come for songs, and of course it was as if it was wasted. (I never did anything with these great "masterpieces") (smile)

Then, came you! Your emails keep me promising my self to complete other things, so that I can just write to my heart's content.

Well, the time has come!! Starting the first Friday in January, I will use the evening as my designated song writing time. Each Friday night, I will do the same.

Get ready, for I'll be using some of the tools in your mails and keeping you informed of my progress.

I'm writing to let you know how much of an influence you were in my setting a time to work on my long overdue career.

I feel your committment, and look forward to not only meeting you one day, but, to say thank you in some special way.

To you and yours, I send the following: I pray that you will keep doing what you do, for there is wealth coming that far exceeds your dreams...

Continuing to say thanks:

Dolores S Lawrence
a.k.a. "TheWisestWomanInTheWorld"

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Shamir. Good words to remember...keeping love and
connection all through the year. Hard to do sometimes, but we have to keep trying!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shamir....

Thank u...for the xmas greeting.
I wish you and your family the very best festive season and a magical new year.....may all your wishes come true... love/light light /love

Anonymous said...


Thank you very much and i wish you a great christmas time aswell.

Your emails are brilliant they have inspired and helped me to writing many songs lately about the good times and all the bad ones too.
thank you very much for taking your time to send me them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the comments guys. Much appreciated... really.

Make 2008 a good one.



Un Coeur Music said...

Good morning! Just poking around online this morning and found your blog. It's always nice to "meet" a fellow songwriter! I enjoyed reading your blog entry.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch, Shamir...

The tips are good, refreshing, and
I am doing much better...but still
struggling in some areas.
Hoping to improve...jamie e