Thursday, July 13, 2006

No Matter How Stupid it Sounds - it Could Still Be a Good Song

Many of us cringe at the thought of something that we've written. There is nothing more important then listening from another persons ears.

But we always assume that we should be critical of ourselves and scrutinize every piece of lyrics, melody of chord - especially when we listen from others peoples ears. But I say this - don't be too hard on yourself. Listen again. Ask yourself:

A) Does my song have good structure? A verse, chorus, verse, chorus? Perhaps a mid section or a bridge? Good structure is important from a listener's point of view.

B) Does my song get across the point of what I'm trying to say? No matter how poetic or direct - does it resolve an issue? Does it complicate an issue? Whatever it's intention is. Does it justify with your end result?

C) Does you song 'sing well'? No Matter what level of a vocalist you are, does the syncopation of the words suite the way your melody flows?

Remember, no matter what your song 'sounds like', YOU must feel that it conveys what you're trying to say - through song & lyrics. Because if you don't, it's likely that not many others will.

Believe in the song, and others will believe you.


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