Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Starting with the Lyrics...

If you're going to start writing lyrics first, then write the lyrics in it's entire section before you attempt to write a tune or perhaps a chord sequence. And if you produce drum beats on your words, try and refrain from arranging anything until you've finished what you've started out.

This has help me immensely when songwriting.

It's the old principle of keeping things simple. There isn't any point worrying about what the melody for the chorus will sound like if the lyrics for it are only half written. Finish the chorus 'lyrically', then worry about the tune.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't create the melody while writing you're lyrics. That's NOT what I'm saying. I'm talking about 'section-by-section'.

Another example, there's no point starting to write a middle eight - leaving it unfinished, - and then starting a melody for it. You will probably, more often then so, end up back at the drawing board.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have never really written a song before ive always wanted to but it always its up sounding like a story that would go in a book or something i used to write little stupid things wen i was littler about 5th grade with 1 of my freinds but i sucked at it i play a little bit of giutar and id like to maybe write a short song or sumthing and i was wondering if you could help me out on htis please my e mail is thank you